In 60 seconds or less, you can find the perfect domain name for your company.
Domain names are at the heart of your technological revolution: whether you want to have personalized professional emails, or whether you are looking to create a blog, a showcase site or even an online store, you will have to start by finding the perfect domain name.
Take advantage of our control panel and dashboard, which are simple to use due to their uncluttered interface.
Start your online business today. Host it on servers that have been curated for WordPress websites and online shops.
Use over 300+ free apps to build or expand your online presence, from blogs to shopping carts.
Safely and securely run your business with our free, unlimited and automated SSL included in all our plans.
Our servers are designed to give you the best hosting experience possible, including quick page loads.
We are the Canadian web hosting company you can trust for both private and business web projects.
* billed annually as $195/year
* billed annually as $249/year
* billed annually as $300/year
We are serious about security. Improved firewalls, intrusion detection, and security features are installed on our servers. A free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate is used to protect every hosting service.
Become a member of the Hosuto clan. Any inquiries? Our award-winning internal PapaSquad support team is available at all times.
** Upon request